OH yeah, and Elle peed on the floor at the checkout. My bad, totally. See, she has this thing where she goes to the bathroom just to get a treat. So I end up running around through retail stores, leaving all my belongings behind, for her to squeeze out a little pee to get some m&m's.
Since she had already found the gummy worms (which I had opened in the store to let her eat while I shopped for wine - which just KILLS Brady - I can't open food in stores before I've purchased it when he's around... but anyway) ... and I told her she couldn't have anymore (I know! I'm so mean!), I figured her saying she needed to go to the bathroom was her ploy to get more worms out of me.
FYI: It wasn't. She actually had to go pee. My bad.
Anyway, another lesson in parenting.
OH, and the Borsao was really on sale for $5.99.
i love it. will have to share with my former boss, who's now at cost plus!
Jenn, you need to do a parenting blog too! I loved that story!
Go Elle, way to teach mommy as lesson!
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