So, there are now TWO Kevin's at Sendik's in Franklin. One gives GREAT recommendations, and the other, not so much. I'm dreading trying the rest of the case I bought when I shopped with him. And now I'm feeling doubly bad because he told the cash register lady I was his "new" favorite customer.
I should have known better because he prefaced helping me pick out some new wines with, "I'm a white wine drinker". Hmmm. Then, his big selling point was that if he was recommending a red, it means it must be really good, because he's a "white wine" drinker. Yeah, I don't think it works that way. You have to be a red wine drinker in order to recommend good reds. Someone who only likes white wine (I'm convinced) is not equipped to recommend red wines.
So, there. WOOP WOOP. Don't buy it. It's so boring. And I kept drinking it anyway. It could be something I like - because I like understated wines. But this had NO statement. Bor--ring.
Wine of Australia
South Eastern Australia
From the back of the label: "G'day. [omg, did they really write that?] In Australia Woop Woop means not nearby, remote even. In sourcing the fruit for this well-balanced South Australian Shiraz we went outside our normal territory to blend the best regional attributes [... blah, blah]."
Also from the back of the label... in fact, if this was the only commentary on the back, it might redeem itself:
"We went to Woop Woop to bring Woop Woop to you." Now that's funny.
$10.99 at Sendik's in Franklin
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