Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Purple Cowboy... isn't half bad


Purple Cowboy

In the "12 under $12" bins at Target... although I really don't think there were 12 different wines. Not half bad considering my last Target tasting. Even more surprising given the tagline, "The legend of the purple cowboy". I've never heard of him. Ha.

"The cowboy met the old man who brought him some cuttings in a damp burlap sack. The old man said plant these in the valley where the fog comes at dusk and the soil is stony and no good for anything else. And someday you'll have some fine dark wine. So dark it turns your teeth to purple. So the legend goes."

I especially like the part about the wine being so fine it'll turn your teeth purple. I love it when my teeth turn purple from all the wine I drank. Gives me purpose when brushing.

Purple Cowboy
Paso Robles Red Wine
Tenancious Red

$11.99 at Target


Unknown said...

Purple teeth are the best...I would love to try Purple Cowboy but I have not ever seen it here in AZ

jlp said...

If there is a Target by you that has a beer/wine aisle, try that. I imagine if it's here in WI, it's got to be in TX too!

Unknown said...

I really love to drink fine red wine, especially when drank after dinner. But the drawback of that is how it stains my teeth to a darker shade, so I made an extra effort to brush my teeth to prevent the wine from being absorbed by the enamel of my teeth. But the trick that was taught to me by the dentists in Edgewater when drinking wine is to consume it in moderation.