Monday, March 17, 2008

sound mufflers

how brady gets through dinner.


Bianca said...

That's genius! Happy St. Patty's Day to all you Pierzchalskis! (I think I finally learned how to spell your last name...)

TL said...

Beautiful girl that Elle. Wow. Brady's hilarious. Miss you guys so much. And man that was alot of wine posts for the few days I didn't check your blog. Throwing them back - cool. Herman drinks all the time too. I'm so jealous.
BTW the baby is the easiest one. we went to the dr today and he laughed through the whole exam even when he had the thermometer up his butt. God I am in love. Wait that sounded weird. I mean the up the butt in love comment. You can't take it out of context please. The other two are frightening at times. Seriously. If anyone needs a big ole drink it's me. K. bye. O I'm totally sending you some cds.

jlp said...

Seriously Tailinh, you need the booze to get through the day with 3 kids. As soon as you give me the green light I'm on a plane to come visit you. Although I might wait until the youngest reaches 1 so I can enjoy some wine with you while we have fondue. It'll be so much fun!

And I am becoming aware that each subsequent baby gets easier ... I think to make us want to have additional ones. ... So don't get any crazy ideas! I want to keep my semi-sane friend from become full fledged nuts. Like I am.